Andrew West

Andrew West

I have a degree in Business Administration and have had a healthy obsession in increasing my net worth, since learning the value of money during my first paper round job at 13-years-old.

Winter Energy Saving Tips

Programmable thermostats insulated windows and doors, and furnace maintenance are good options to reduce energy costs in the home during the chilly winter months. As temperature decreases, the energy bills increase in many family homes. The cost of heating the home…

10 Quick and Inexpensive Room Updates

Sometimes it just takes a little touch here and there to refresh an old decorating scheme. With these ten cheap items, you can make your home look new and energized. If you’re on a limited budget and want to make…

4 Ways to Send or Transfer Money

There used to be very limited options for sending or transferring money. You could write a check, hand over cash, or wire money, with many people wondering are wire transfers safe? Today, as commerce becomes increasingly digitized, there are more…

How to Build Your First Indoor Grow Room

If you’re interested in growing cannabis or another, similarly needy plant in a room of your house, you’ll need to set up a full indoor grow room. Doing so gives you a large, convenient space in which you can totally…