Category Savings

Gold IRAs: 5 Things to Know Before You Invest

Source: Getty Images There are dozens of possible investment accounts and strategies you can use to build wealth and save for retirement. Gold IRAs aren’t typically mentioned when the short list of retirement planning options are rattled off by financial…

Is Buying a Home Still a Good Investment?

Buying a house is a classic part of the American Dream. But over the years, as property values have soared and tax rates have increased in most parts of the country, many are left wondering: Does it actually make financial…

7 Ways a Mortgage Lender Can Save You Money

A home purchase is one of the most capital-intensive deA home purchase, often undertaken with the guidance of a property buyers agent like APP is one of the most capital-intensive decisions people make in their lifetime. It can be a…

5 Tips When Earning Interest on Cryptocurrency

Crypto assets are known to serve as long-term savings. But have you questioned yourself about how you can earn interest on crypto? For someone who is a long-term cryptocurrency investor, it is important to consider the potential of earning interest…

Winter Energy Saving Tips

Programmable thermostats insulated windows and doors, and furnace maintenance are good options to reduce energy costs in the home during the chilly winter months. As temperature decreases, the energy bills increase in many family homes. The cost of heating the home…