Andrew West

Andrew West

I have a degree in Business Administration and have had a healthy obsession in increasing my net worth, since learning the value of money during my first paper round job at 13-years-old.

How to Keep Track of Your Expenses and Profits

A successful and profitable business ensures timely tracking and accurate accounting of expenses. Cost-saving measures and proactive approaches yield good profit. Scrutiny of monthly expenditures and profits is the essential element of adequately managing your business. A standard bookkeeping practice…

How to Improve the Energy Efficiency in Your Home? 

The growing trend of building energy-efficient homes across the globe is inspiring more people to consider energy-efficient designs and eco-friendly materials for home building and renovation. Reducing the amount of energy your house consumes can lead to reduced utility bills…

Cyber Insurance in Australia today

The COVID-19 global pandemic has seen increasingly more people beginning to work remotely, with further importance and pressure being placed on digital systems than ever before. As the world continues to become more digitalised, with the world wide web always…