5 Ways to Show Proof of Income If Paid in Cash

For securing significant necessities like a car loan or apartment lease, showcasing your income is imperative. Yet, this task becomes notably tricky without a conventional job that provides you with a paycheck every two weeks, especially if your earnings are in cash.

Earning in cash isn’t a downside per se, but it does introduce a couple of challenges. Firstly, these earnings don’t automatically account for taxes. This reality means you’ll have to manually set aside a portion of your income for tax payments due to the government at the fiscal year’s end. 

Keeping a detailed record of your income is tougher, as cash transactions don’t naturally leave a digital or physical trail behind unless you take steps to document them yourself. In light of these hurdles, what strategies can you adopt to authenticate your income when it’s predominantly cash-based?

Create a Paystub

One method to demonstrate income when receiving cash payments involves generating your own payment records. You can find customizable forms online that you can print and complete with each payment you receive. With these records, it’s important to note:

  • The name of the client
  • The date of payment
  • The services provided 
  • The amount you were paid

After completing these records, keep them secure and establish a consistent method for updating them regularly. If you are a freelancer or an independent contractor, you can generate and securely store your check stubs. You will appreciate the organization when it’s time to manage taxes.

Maintain a Current Spreadsheet

Instead of physically printing pay stubs, keeping a digital record could be more convenient for you. Employing an Excel spreadsheet is a straightforward option among the digital solutions available. Logging transactions becomes much easier by setting up columns with the labels for each piece of data you need to track.

 Additionally, locating a particular payment is quicker when utilizing the search feature in a spreadsheet compared to sifting through physical documents. However, consider the risk of computer malfunctions. As a precautionary measure, it’s advisable to have hard copies of all records as backups.

Submit the Payment and Generate Bank Documents

Ensuring you promptly deposit every payment into your bank account as it comes in allows for an automatic documentation process through printed bank statements. This strategy stands out as a straightforward means to provide proof of income, especially for cash receipts. The bank statements then act as an informal journal, cataloging each payment received and streamlining the income recording process.

Gather Signed Pay Slips

Document confirming the recipient’s acknowledgment of their payment is an essential factor in guaranteeing that cash payments to employees and independent contractors are effectively processed. 

Employers must secure signed salary receipts with the company’s name, address, and contact details. Additionally, these receipts should contain the recipient’s name, address, social security number, the total gross and net salary received, the issuance date of the payment, and the specific pay period it pertains to.

Monitor Your Bank Records

Putting your funds into a bank account generates valuable documentation for your use. To secure physical documentation, hold onto the deposit receipt and store it safely. Alternatively, you could rely on your bank’s digital record accessible online, or await the arrival of the monthly statement. Banks issue statements in both printed and PDF formats, ensuring you can access the information in whichever format you prefer.


Demonstrating your income is crucial, whether you’re borrowing money from reliable money lenders in Singapore or applying for a loan elsewhere. Fortunately, numerous methods exist for doing so. When you need to verify your income, especially if you receive payments in cash, consider employing one or several of these strategies. This preparation can significantly enhance your financial profile when applying for housing or auto loans, helping you secure the most favorable terms.