When Old Becomes New (The Beauty Of Upcycled Furniture)

Photo Credit: Pixabay | LindaLioe
There are many reasons why upcycling has caught and held our attention. From the environmental, to the cost, the accessibility to everyone, to the fact you can take that old thing and turn it into something new, wonderful and unique.
As a result upcycling has produced some remarkable, desirable pieces in all guises in the areas of fashion to furniture.
As a definition upcycling, or creative use, ‘is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products perceived to be of greater quality, such as artistic value or environmental value’.
The idea has been around for quite a while and is believed to have been first mentioned in print in a SalvoNEWS article in 1994. However, upcycling is comparable to the Make Do and Mend campaign in the UK run during World War 2 as a result of clothes rationing.
But that was the past. Upcycling, and upcycled furniture, has shown itself to be more than just a trend. It is the future. The real beauty of upcycled furniture is found in more than just its look.
Environmentally Friendly
In an article in Forbes about Upcycling Your Way To Sustainability it was indicated that around 87% of us now consider the environmental impact of our purchase and are willing to pay more to negate that impact.
The beauty here is that upcycled furniture is probably the best environmentally friendly ‘new’ furniture you can find. The materials already exist, the majority of the environmental damage has already been done. Away Today furniture removal advise that upcycling is the multi way to recycle and reduce future waste, while you’re saving a few useless things destined for the waste pile, you’re also reducing future waste by not buying new. Upcycling is really a win-win situation for the planet and all life on it.
Another beauty of upcycled furniture can be found in its uniqueness. No two pieces are ever the same. The wood might be reclaimed from the same place. The furniture made by the same person. But it will still have a few little tell-tale signs that are original to that particular piece.
The uniqueness and individuality increases more when a real artist creates the upcycled item. Here you may find that unusual items, strange in their differences, can come together to form something truly desirable.
Both environment and artistic flair seem to be the key ingredients of upcycling and upcycled furniture. “We use reclaimed wood recovered from various places like Gujara and Rajasthan in India”, said an expert upcycled furniture retailer. “It is our passion to try and limit the impact that furniture making has on the environment. “We do that by sourcing our materials with sustainability in mind.”
Once the most suitable materials have been sourced then the creativity begins. “Our skilled craftsmen assemble each piece with care and attention. “They are masters of their craft and can produce the most beautiful pieces of art”.
Upcycled furniture is here to stay. The thought behind it is something we all agree with. We want to help protect the Earth, our home. And we consider that in all our actions.
At the same time we still have an eye and appreciation for beauty. Just because something old has been turned into something new doesn’t mean we don’t want that item to look stylish and appealing.
An upcycling beauty here is that you can find something not only stunning to behold but also individual, special and unique.
Whatever your choice or preference there will always be an upcycled item that will suit your own particular taste and reason for choice. Such is the wide variety of upcycled furniture items available.
The only issue you might have with buying some, is knowing which item to choose.