Moving Abroad: What You Need To Know

Deciding to move abroad is probably one of the biggest choices you will ever make. It involves a total upheaval of the life you have to lead you into the life you want.
There is so much you have to consider it can be easy to miss something out. Something that might end up being quite important. Because of this there is lots of information out there to help you. Even The UK Government provides information for anyone looking to move, or retire abroad.
So what are the things you need to consider when making the move abroad?
Thankfully there are some great checklist tips out there to help you make all the right moves. Like this one from the Telegraph newspaper. They advise to:
Find A New Home
Having somewhere to live when you move abroad is essential. Generally when people move abroad they want to improve their lives not make them worse. Not having somewhere to live is definitely going to make things worse. Thankfully there are some professional estate agents residing in the most popular countries that we traditionally move to like America, Canada and Spain.
Know How To Transfer Money From The UK
Transferring money from the UK to your new home abroad can be expensive. There are some companies that offer a cheaper alternative than your high street bank. Shop around to get the best deal.
Plan How You Will Pay For Healthcare
Different countries have different healthcare. Once you have permanently left the UK you can no longer avail of the free NHS service. Because of this you need to find out how to cover for your healthcare costs.
Find Out What Paperwork You Need
Paperwork, like healthcare, can vary from country to country. Even the paperwork from the UK will change as we move into Brexit. Make sure you are up to date with your paperwork requirements.
How Best To Master The New Language
As Spain is the top non-English speaking destination for ex-pats getting to grips with the local language is always advisable.
What Happens Your Pension?
You’ve probably paid quite a bit into your pension by now and want to know what to do with it. You might lose your UK pension but there are companies out there who can advise you of the correct steps to take.
Understand The Inheritance Laws
If you are buying a property abroad in the hope of passing it on to a family member in the future it is best to get advice on any inheritance laws to save you any future costly mistakes.
Know Your Local Living Costs
There is no point moving abroad if you don’t know if you can afford to live there. Check out the country’s standard of living and associated costs.
Manage Your Personal Finances
Setting a bank account up in a different country can be difficult. Thankfully most banks have a service for ex-pats. Check to see if your bank has one.
Ask How Much It Will Cost To Move
Moving home can be expensive. Especially if you plan on taking your furniture with you. Price ahead so you don’t get caught out with an expensive bill.
There are many more things you may want to understand before you make a move abroad and it requires a lot of forward thinking and planning. Get as much advice as possible and learn as much as you can. That way your will enable your move to be as smooth as possible.