How to keep your financial information safe while online gaming

After implementing various changes in an attempt to make more savings and boost finances, the last thing anyone wants is to have to deal with a cyber-attack. Sadly, it’s the world we now live in, with online criminals constantly looking at ways to gain access to online banking accounts and steal money in the process. 

When it comes to gaming, there are several ways cybercriminals can gain access to your financial information after hacking your PlayStation account or by adding malicious malware to your smartphone device as you sample a plethora of games. It can happen to anyone, too. For example, all you need to do is download an unknown release from the App Store that might seem like a fun game to session, only for it to result in your device being taken over by an unscrupulous character who adds malware that will follow your every move and steal vital information. 

There are certainly ways to keep yourself safe while gaming online, though. For instance, in order to avoid the aforementioned scenario of downloading a dangerous app that’s disguised as a game, always carryout research before opting to download a certain release. Likewise, always make sure any games you play are from reputable sites. For example, online casino sites are great options as they offer high-end encryption that keeps hackers at bay. Additionally, there are top casinos accepting American Express in 2023 plus a range of other trusted payment options that make gaming more convenient and secure. These gaming options, plus a range of other tried and tested products, are worth looking into. 

If casino gaming isn’t your thing or you don’t enjoy smartphone gaming, let’s take a look at some other simple steps you can take to keep your financial information safe while online gaming. 

Consider using a password manager 

Of course, everyone knows the importance of having a strong password, but not everyone necessarily has one. In order to increase your chances of having a hard-to-crack password, a password manager is a fantastic option. These excellent tools generate strong passwords, while also providing you with a safe and secure location to store all of your important passwords. Solid products in this area include LastPass and Bitwarden

All updates must be automatic 

Devices can be compromised if a particular device’s software isn’t up to date. If you occasionally forget to manually update your gaming devices, be it a tablet or a smartphone, then make sure you switch on automatic updates. That way you play a range of games safe in the knowledge that your device is secure.

Credit over debit 

Using a credit card over a debit card for any in-game transactions or if you’re required to add a payment method to your gaming account is the way to go. Credit cards offer consumers with more protection should you be the victim of a cyber-attack. 

Don’t take the bait 

A sure-fire way of having your gaming device compromised is by clicking bad links or by downloading malicious malware. To avoid phishing scams like this, don’t click on or download anything you’re unsure about. Always hover over the link to verify it and see the link’s actual destination. 

Use a VPN 

Another common way gamers provide themselves with an additional layer of protection is by using a VPN. A virtual private network essentially enables you stay protected online by encrypting your data and masking your IP address – two key components online criminals look for. 

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