Category Debt

How Much Small Business Debt Is Too Much?

The burden of debt on small businesses is a complicated and often misunderstood subject. While some debt can act as leverage, fostering growth and expansion, too much debt can lead to financial strain and even bankruptcy. As a small business…

Why You Need Insurance When Buying a Used Car

Buying a used car is exciting, but remember to ensure your investment immediately. Comprehensive coverage, liability insurance, gap insurance, and a policy from a reputable company will give you security and protection for the road ahead. How to Get the…

9 SBA Loan Challenges You May Face and How to Overcome Them

SBA or Small Business Administration loans have become a widespread financial solution for small ventures. This government-backed loan system can be considered a life-saver for many due to its favorable conditions, lower down payments, longer periods, etc. Most small entrepreneurs…

What Do Collection Agencies Do That Companies Can’t?

Businesses work so hard to make money. After all the effort to envision, create, distribute, and market a product, the revenue they make afterwards is well-deserved. However, what happens when the money owed doesn’t appear? Companies sometimes devote their own…