4 Qualities That You Want in New Windows

You’ve had enough of the current windows and are ready to make a change. Now the focus is on what sort of change would be best. As you prepare to look at different options for Pioneer windows in Winnipeg, do take a moment and determine what sort of qualities you want those new windows to possess. Here are four examples that should be at the top of your list.


Since you’re installing new windows, why not make sure the style chosen helps to enhance the look of the place? Maybe you’ve grown tired of the old windows and are ready for a change anyway. Even something as simple as moving away from single hung windows to something like casement windows would be the ideal change for your home.

Remember that you can add more architectural detail inside and out with some window styles. For example, adding a bay or bow window to the living or dining room opens up all sorts of possibilities inside. Outside, that type of change could also inspire ideas for adding something different to the landscaping around the window.


Without a doubt, you want the new windows to function better than the old ones. There will be no sticking or problems with sashes not staying open when you want. You may want to add some functions that the old windows don’t offer. If it would make life easier, that’s what you want to include.

For example, tilting sashes can make it much easier to clean the glass and the frames on both sides. Instead of climbing up and down ladders to take care of the outside, you can tilt the sashes inward and reach everything. Think of how much easier and faster it will be to keep the windows clean.

Energy Efficiency

By all means focus on the Energy Star rating for your new windows. That won’t be hard to do since so many of the windows made in Canada are constructed with those standards in mind. Focus your attention on windows that provide better ratings, since that means superior energy efficiency in all types of weather.

Consider what double pane glass would do versus triple pane glass. You may find that one will offer all the protection and the energy saving benefits that you want and still fit easily into your budget.

External features like roller shades from roller shades riverton can also add to the energy efficiency of your windows.


New windows offer the opportunity to enhance the home’s security. Between frames that are sturdier and glass that’s harder to break, anyone trying to get into the home will have a harder time accomplishing the goal. Add in the fact that you can order locks that are simple for you to operate from inside but almost impossible for anyone to undo even if they do get through the glass, and you have a much safer home.

Keep in mind that many of the features that aid the energy efficiency also help with the security. Frames that can withstand more force reduce the risk of burglaries even as they stop drafts. Glass that’s energy efficient is also harder to penetrate. That makes it all the easier for you to get more benefits from the same features.

Talk with a contractor today and start making plans. Once the new windows are in place, you’ll wonder why you took so long to arrange for the replacement.