How You Can Have a Great Impact on Sustainability, Environmental Changes Which You Can Make

When it comes to sustainability environmental changes made around the house can seriously help you to achieve this. Of course there is a huge amount of work to be done with regards to sustainability and much of that has to be managed by governments through adding pressure to large companies. Beyond this however there is a lot that we can do on our own, at home, which contributes towards the global efforts to reverse the effects of climate change. You don’t need to make sweeping changes to your life, but there are some small steps which you can take that will help.

Eat Less or No Meat

One industry which is causing untold damage to our environment is the meat industry and through the consumption of less or no meat you can greatly help to reduce the demand for it and slow production. The methane released from cows, the massive amount of water required and the razing of rainforests in order to plant seeds which will in turn be used to feed animals which will later be used for meat, has a massively damaging impact on our planet.

Reusable Alternatives

Another great problem which we have is our dependency on single use plastics, and the lack of recycling which so many countries have. Even in nations which do recycle plastic, in many cases they are recycling plastic yet have no use for the recycled products which are being made. A simple way to avoid this is to use reusable alternatives. For example flasks and lunch boxes which can be reused will save a massive amount of plastic over the course of a year.

Grow Your Own

There is so much produce which you can grow at home, without much expertise or time investment. From tomatoes to salad, herbs to peppers, there is a whole host of options which can easily be grown at home. This is not just about being responsible, but also about the thrill of cooking using produce which you have grown with your own hands.

Buying Second Hand and Donating

We have got to get away from this stigma that buying second hand goods indicates where you are in the class or economic structure. This is foolhardy and the truth is that we should all be looking at ways in which we can reuse and reimagine products. This is something which is full circle and as much as we should be buying second hand items and repurposing them, we should also be donating items which we no longer need. This is one of the finest aspects of the sharing economy and it is high time that we stopped buying brand new items all of the time, when a second hand product would be just as good, cheaper, and kinder to the planet.

Let’s all have a positive approach to sustainability and begin to reduce the demand which the big, polluting corporations supply.