Redefining Progress and EJCC: Highlights

  • The Genuine Progress Indicator has received a surge of attention in the U.S. and abroad, as the financial crisis has shown the dangers of a drive for unceasing GDP growth. Redefining Progress has made vital connections with organizations and governments in Europe that use sustainability indicators as measurements of progress, and we are preparing a GPI program that will include quarterly updates to the GPI, policy applications, and the integration of the GPI into formal education.
  • Nearly half a million people have taken the Ecological Footprint Quiz to measure their impact on the Earth since its redesign in April. The Quiz now incorporates cutting-edge improvements in footprint science, emerging sustainability issues such as carbon offsets, and an active online forum.
  • In July, the Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative and Redefining Progress released A Climate of Change: African Americans, Global Warming, and a Just Climate Policy for the U.S, an in-depth report detailing the disparate costs of disasters, unemployment, energy prices, and war for disadvantaged communities in the U.S. Policy recommendations in the report provide a blueprint for effective climate policies that benefit us all. “A Climate of Change” is being used by environmental justice organizations around the nation in education and organizing efforts.
  • Redefining Progress’ Sustainable Economics program completed an analysis of alternative approaches to financing ocean and coastal protection for the California Coastal Commission.
  • To support the case for economically sound climate policy, Sustainable Economics completed an analysis estimating of the impacts of proposed climate change legislation on the competitiveness and employment levels of the U.S. steel industry for the United Steelworkers of America.
  • As part of our work on the implementation of the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), Redefining Progress completed the first technical paper in our California Climate Policy Series. Our research models the impact of climate policy, focusing on the benefits and burdens by income, class, race and ethnicity, and industry.
  • On the national policy front, Redefining Progress and EJCC worked with other groups to form a major climate equity caucus that includes representatives from labor, low-income, people of color, and environmental justice groups. Redefining Progress and EJCC also delivered briefings and testimonials for members of congress, congressional staff, and environmental advocates.
  • Six Equity and Justice Fellows spent the summer organizing for climate justice through a partnership between EJCC and the Alliance for Climate Protection’s We Campaign. They reached hundreds of students on college campuses in Atlanta, New Orleans, Charlotte, N.C., and Washington, D.C.
  • EJCC launched a new, redesigned website at, providing critical, up-to-date climate justice resources to climate justice activists, community organizers, students, and the general public. We also began publishing a monthly e-newsletter to keep our community informed about climate policy developments, EJCC’s programs, opportunities to take action, and other news from the climate justice movement.
  • EJCC made the case for climate justice at the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland in December. Delegates participated in meetings and discussions focused on developing a framework for building on the Kyoto Protocol and creating a new global treaty to reduce carbon emissions.