How To Combine Solar Power With Battery Storage for Florida Homes

Solar power has experienced significant growth in favorability and adoption in recent years. You may have investigated solar installation on your home. However, there are many configurations and decisions you need to make, and one of the most important financially is whether you should also purchase battery storage. Therefore, understanding the benefits of these systems is important.


Florida is ripe for solar adoption. Not only does it have more sunny days per year than just about any other state, but it also has more intense and direct sun than most. In addition, Florida and many of its municipalities have incentives for solar panel adoption. You can find loans with favorable terms, such as low interest, no credit check, low balances and more.

You may also become eligible for grants and rebates that reduce your initial equipment and installation costs. You can save on property taxes and expect no sales taxes on your solar system purchase.

Grid Connected Systems

You may think that when the power goes out, such as during a major storm, you can rely on your solar system to power your home. However, if you hook your solar into the grid, you cannot use it while linemen work to fix the power lines.

While most individuals choose to link to the grid, you can also have a backup battery storage system. When you have battery backup, you can draw power when the sun or the local power is out. Systems like Tesla Powerwall installation allow you to disconnect from the grid and draw energy from your panels or store it in your battery system so you have reliable power.

Assess Your Energy Needs

Your first step in creating your system is an assessment of your energy needs. It is best if you understand your needs on the months with the highest usage and least amount of light. High-usage months burden utility companies and can result in rolling blackouts or brownouts to preserve energy. With a battery backup system, you won’t experience these blackouts.

However, just like you need to assess your energy needs for your solar array configuration, you need to know how much energy you need available in your backup system so you can keep your lights on at all times. Your battery system may help you become energy-independent.

Lack of Sunlight

In addition, your system does not produce power when the sun is not out, so you have to purchase it from your local utility company (Florida Power and Light). Therefore, you need to pay for your energy from sundown to sun up the next day. Many municipalities pay you for the excess energy you produce if you feed it into the grid, but you can increase this payout if you don’t have to pull energy from the grid every night. The right battery system can provide adequate power overnight.

If you have questions about battery storage efficiency, cost or configuration, contact solar installers near me. Research your options before you choose your solar system and its installation. If you already have a solar system installed, ask about inverter and battery storage requirements.